Wednesday CSA

Do you live in the Northport area?
Or the Gifford, Hunters, Inchelium, Rice area?
Colville? Kettle Falls?




You can't get fresher than this unless it’s from your own backyard.

We grow a wide variety of vegetables: Lettuces of many types and colors, multi-colored Swiss Chard, Kale, Collard Greens, fresh Basil and Parsley. Later (July-August) we'll have Broccoli, Summer Squash, Green Beans, Carrots, Tomatoes, Beets, Pickling and Slicing Cucumbers, Onions, Potatoes and more. Your box will contain a selection of the produce we’re harvesting at the time, enough for a small family, and the mix will change through the season. This is known as the Community Supported Agriculture model or CSA.

Our CSA season is Wednesdays from July 3 through October 30. If we have enough veggies for our boxes earlier than that, we will let our customers know.

Once you sign up with us for the CSA, you can order and pre-pay for your boxes online on our website or by check in the mail. We just drop off the boxes and pick up the empties which we ask folks to kindly return. You don’t have to order every week. If you are interested, please contact us or send us an email at or a text to 914-246-0309 or leave a voicemail at that number.

News and updates about the CSA can be viewed HERE.

Pickup Locations

Northport Area:

Wednesday mornings we will deliver CSA boxes to The Murphentile building, 410 Columbia Ave., Northport, WA (map). You just go to the Murphentile after 10am on Wednesday and pick up your box.*

Kettle Falls:

Wednesday mornings, we will deliver CSA boxes to Weeks Outfitters,
1161 highway 25 S in Kettle Falls, WA for pickup that day between 10am and 6pm.

Colville at our Northeast Washington Farmers' Market Booth (with connection to Gifford, Hunters, Inchelium, Rice**):

Folks in and around Colville can order weekly produce boxes and pick up at the farmers' market.

WIC and Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) recipients and users of SNAP/EBT cards, you may order online and pay with your benefits when you pick up, but ONLY in Colville at our farmers' market stand on Wednesdays. We will get a record of your order so we can prepare it and you can use your EBT card, Market Match bucks, WIC card, FMNP card or cash to pay in person at the time of pickup.

**The Huckleberry Range Community Collective (HRCC) will be picking up CSA boxes in Colville for residents of the Rice/Gifford/Hunters area who would like to subscibe. We will put you in touch with HRCC to coordinate delivery.

Please contact us here at the BZ Farm to get signed up. Then we will send you instructions for ordering You can order and pre-pay for your boxes online through our website or by check. We ask that folks kindly return the empty boxes. You don’t have to order every week. If you are interested, please contact us or send us an email at or a text to 914-246-0309 or leave a voicemail at that number.

We look forward to becoming a trusted source for your family’s fresh veggies!

* Unclaimed boxes left after close of business on Wednesday, (4:00pm Northport, 1:00pm Colville) will be donated. Refunds will not be issued for unclaimed boxes.

Please Note: We are a very small farm. We are off-the-grid, meaning we are solar powered and we have no cell service. We are not able to answer phone calls, texts and emails as they come in since we have the computer turned off most of the time to save energy. We do check messages once or twice a day except for Tuesdays and Wednesdays when we are harvesting and marketing, but we will get back to folks as soon as we can.

More Details:

Orders must be placed by 7pm on the Monday preceding the desired Wednesday delivery date. Please read everything on this page first and then contact us to sign up and receive the private ordering link.

We use recycled waxed produce boxes for our containers. We firmly believe in and practice "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle." Inside the box on top of the produce will be a damp cotton towel to keep the produce fresh (anything needing to be dry like garlic, etc. will be in plastic bags inside). We wash the boxes and the towels every week. We ask that the boxes and the towels be returned when you get your next order. The boxes can be easily flattened by sliding the tabs that hold them together. Please try not to tear the tabs when flattening the box so we can use them over and over.

While the landowner, Bezaleel Israel (BZ for short) has been farming this ground for 30 years, this is only the third year of intensive market gardening here. Together, BZ and I have over 60 years of organic farming experience. I have been part of several market gardens and a couple of CSA farms over the years. We are sure you will enjoy the produce as the season progresses and hopefully will be a repeat customer next year.

The BZ Farm is not "certified organic" but we do not use synthetic poisons or use GMO seeds (in fact we save the seeds for about 90% of what we grow). We use compost and cover crops primarily for fertility or else soil amendments that are approved for certified organic farms and permaculture systems. BZ and I are both experienced permaculturists and we call our produce "Permaculturally-Grown."

When you have the private link to the order form, please read the ordering instructions there carefully. ORDER NO LATER THAN BY 7PM THE MONDAY PRECEDING THE WEDNESDAY YOU WANT TO PICK UP or use the order form to pre-order for future weeks. You don't have to order every week. You can revisit the order form as often as you like.

MAKE SURE YOU SPECIFY THE PICK-UP LOCATION ("Northport" for pick-up at the Murphentile or "Colville."  In some rare cases we can make special arrangements to deliver boxes.

News and updates about the CSA can be viewed HERE.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.



Chrys Ostrander (Marketing Coordinator) and BZ (Jack of All Trades)

B​Z Permaculture Farm Collective, a non-profit mutual benefit society